Luoyang Qianxie Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd


High Precision,High Performance and High Reliability




ProductsPosition:Home>Products>Slewing Bearings

Tri-row Cylindrical Roller Slewing Bearings- Non Gear


Tri-row Cylindrical Roller Slewing Bearings- Non Gear


Bearing LYC 型号 外形尺寸Boundary dimensions(mm) 安装尺寸Bolt hole diameter (mm) 结构尺寸Structure dimensions (mm) 齿参数Gear Parameters (mm) 额定轴向静负荷Basic load ratinge(KN) 重量Weight

Da D di H La Li n1 n2 φ1 φ2 d b h B C Di da m z do x Coa Cor (KG)
HU25/500 130.25.500.
634 366 148 598 402 24 24 18 18

10 116 138 526 537

2750 355 224
HU25/560 130.25.560.
694 426 148 658 462 24 24 18 18

10 116 138 586 597

3080 399 240
HU25/630 130.25.630.
764 496 148 728 532 28 28 18 18

10 116 138 656 667

3450 451 270
HU25/710 130.25.710.
844 576 148 808 612 28 28 18 18

10 116 138 736 747

3880 517 300
HU30/800 130.32.800.
964 636 182 920 680 36 36 22 22

10 142 172 830 841

5490 712 500
HU30/900 130.32.900
1064 736 182 1020 780 36 36 22 22

10 142 172 930 941

6190 808 600

1180 800 166 1114 866 24 24 M30 M30

21 136 145 962 965

HU30/1000 130.32.1000.
1164 836 182 1120 880 40 40 22 22

10 142 172 1030 1041

6890 903 680
HU30/1120 130.32.1120.
1284 956 182 1240 1000 40 40 22 22

10 142 172 1150 1161

7680 1020 820
HU30/1250 130.40.1250.
1445 1055 220 1393 1107 45 45 26 26

10 170 210 1290 1300

11100 1460 1200
HU40/1400 130.40.1400.
1595 1205 220 1543 1257 45 45 26 26

10 170 210 1440 1450

12400 1650 1300
HU40/1600 130.40.1600.
1795 1405 220 1743 1457 48 48 26 26

10 170 210 1640 1650

14200 1900 1520
HU40/1800 130.40.1800.
1995 1605 220 1943 1657 48 48 26 26

10 170 210 1840 1850

15900 2150 1750
HU45/2000 130.45.2000.
2195 1816 150 2127 1885 60 60 33 33

13 117 137 2041

16900 663 1120
HU45/2240 130.45.2240.
2461 2019 231 2395 2085 60 60 33 33

12 177 219 2273 2295

23100 2680 2700
HU45/2500 130.45.2500.
2721 2279 231 2655 2345 72 72 33 33

12 177 219 2533 2555

25800 3020 3000
HU45/2800 130.45.2800.
3021 2579 231 2955 2645 72 72 33 33

12 177 219 2833 2855

28800 3390 3400
HU50/3150 130.50.3150.
3432 2868 270 3342 2958 72 72 45 45

12 205 258 3196 3213

35900 3810 5000
HU50/3150 130.50.3150.12
3432 2868 270 3342 2958 72 72 45 45

12 220 258 3086 3103

37350 5020 4900
HU50/3550 130.50.3550.
3832 3268 270 3742 3358 72 72 45 45

12 202 258 3596 3613

40400 4310 5600
HU70/3975 3-913G
4300 3650 355 4210 3750 90 90 48 48

65700 13300 9503
HU50/4000 130.50.4000.
4282 3718 270 4192 3908 80 80 45 45

12 202 258 4046 4063

45600 4870 6400
HU50/4500 130.50.4500.40
4782 4218 270 4692 4308 80 80 45 45

12 202 258 4546 4563

54450 5800 6942

Tel: +86-379-61127996 Mobile:+86-185-3790-3166(WeChat) Fax: +86-379-61127996 地址:Wuzhou International Industrial Park, Intersection of National Highway 310 and Hengshan Road, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China Copyright:Luoyang Qianxie Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd Technical support:Qingfeng Icp:豫ICP备17030821号-1
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